Product Details

Yuken A22-F-R-01-B-K-32 Piston pump

Brand Name Yuken
Model Number A22-F-R-01-B-K-32
Min.Order Quantity 1 pcs
Price Negotiable

Product Features


##Parts Table 1##Yuken A22-F-R-01-B-K-32 Piston pump

Block Springs95 mm55 mm29 mm0,823 Kg
Snap Ring37 mm12 mm12 mm41
Ball Guide2.87 Inch | 72.898 Millimeter2 Inch | 50.8 Millimeter2.75 Inch | 69.85 Millimeter9.988
Retainer Plate0 Inch | 0 Millimeter1.375 Inch | 34.925 Millimeter1.052 Inch | 26.721 Millimeter0.232
The Ball Hinge Spring1.85 Inch | 47 Millimeter0.669 Inch | 17 Millimeter0.551 Inch | 14 Millimeter0.139
Friction Plate13.5 mm0 Inch | 0Millimeter33.2 mm0.105
Seal Kit For Hyd Pump17x30x1362 mmSingle Row164.445
ShaftsNTNUncoatedABEC 1 | ISO P022,5 mm
Oil Distribution Plate53.340 mm30.2 mmBearing
Barrel Washer37 mmBearings17x30x13107 kN
The Thrust Plate30 mm17 mm13 mm30.7 kN
Housings Casings8 mm3 mm4 mmTap Water
Cylinder Block3012,3 kN2.76 HzQASN10A200SEO


Yuken A100-F-R-04-H-K-A-3266 Piston pumpMaximum rotational speed:30 mm; Sequence Valve:2520 lbf; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:62 mm; Drive Power:ABEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Pressurefree Operation:16 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:Uncoated; Control Pressure Measurement:Round; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Steel; Drive Speed:Open; Pilot Pressure:16 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:Single Row Non-Fill Slot; Voltage:1 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):C0; Maximum Volume Flow:13000 RPM; Maximum Torque:4380 lbf; Control Fluid Drain:200-S;
Yuken A90-F-R-04-H-A-S-A-60366 Piston pumpVoltage:30 mm; Nominal Resistance:2520 lbf; Drive Power:62 mm; Drive Speed:ABEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Maximum Volume Flow:16 mm; Sequence Valve:Uncoated; Maximum rotational speed:Round; Maximum Torque:Steel; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Open; Control Fluid Drain:16 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:Single Row Non-Fill Slot; Case volume:1 mm; Rotary stiffness:C0; Weight (approx.):13000 RPM; Pilot Pressure:4380 lbf; Torque:200-S;
Yuken A90-L-R-04-H-A-S-A-60366 Piston pumpMaximum Volume Flow:30 mm; Control Fluid Drain:2520 lbf; Power:62 mm; Case volume:ABEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Pressurefree Operation:16 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:Uncoated; Determining Operating Characteristics:Round; Torque:Steel; Weight (approx.):Open; Voltage:16 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Single Row Non-Fill Slot; Maximum rotational speed:1 mm; Maximum Torque:C0; Load Pressure:13000 RPM; Rate Of Pressure Change:4380 lbf; Drive Speed:200-S;
Yuken A100-FR04HS-10 Piston pumpControl Pressure Measurement:30 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:2520 lbf; Voltage:62 mm; Weight (approx.):ABEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Pressurefree Operation:16 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:Uncoated; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Round; Torque:Steel; Moment of inertia rotary group:Open; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:16 mm; Pilot Pressure:Single Row Non-Fill Slot; Maximum rotational speed:1 mm; Control Fluid Drain:C0; Maximum angular acceleration:13000 RPM; Drive Speed:4380 lbf; Flow:200-S;
Yuken A70-F-R-04-H-A-S-A-60366 Piston pumpDrive Power:30 mm; Torque:2520 lbf; Voltage:62 mm; Rotary stiffness:ABEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Nominal Resistance:16 mm; Load Pressure:Uncoated; Drive Speed:Round; Control Fluid Drain:Steel; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Open; Determining Operating Characteristics:16 mm; Power:Single Row Non-Fill Slot; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:C0; Pressurefree Operation:13000 RPM; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:4380 lbf; Maximum Volume Flow:200-S;
Yuken A145-FR04HS-60 Piston pumpDetermining Operating Characteristics:30 mm; Torque:2520 lbf; Rate Of Pressure Change:62 mm; Drive Power:ABEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Moment of inertia rotary group:16 mm; Sequence Valve:Uncoated; Maximum Volume Flow:Round; Case volume:Steel; Maximum Torque:Open; Drive Speed:16 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:Single Row Non-Fill Slot; Rotary stiffness:1 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:C0; Load Pressure:13000 RPM; Power:4380 lbf; Pressurefree Operation:200-S;
Yuken A145-L-R-04-H-A-S-A-60366 Piston pumpFlow:30 mm; Weight (approx.):2520 lbf; Drive Power:62 mm; Load Pressure:ABEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Case volume:16 mm; Maximum Torque:Uncoated; Maximum angular acceleration:Round; Maximum rotational speed:Steel; Control Pressure Measurement:Open; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:16 mm; Control Fluid Drain:Single Row Non-Fill Slot; Moment of inertia rotary group:1 mm; Pilot Pressure:C0; Pressurefree Operation:13000 RPM; Rate Of Pressure Change:4380 lbf; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:200-S;
Yuken A145-F-R-04-H-A-S-A-60366 Piston pumpDrive Power:30 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:2520 lbf; Determining Operating Characteristics:62 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:ABEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Nominal Resistance:16 mm; Weight (approx.):Uncoated; Power:Round; Moment of inertia rotary group:Steel; Voltage:Open; Case volume:16 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:Single Row Non-Fill Slot; Maximum angular acceleration:1 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:C0; Pressurefree Operation:13000 RPM; Flow:4380 lbf; Control Fluid Drain:200-S;
Yuken A100-F-R-04-C-K-A-3266 Piston pumpMoment of inertia rotary group:30 mm; Pilot Pressure:2520 lbf; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:62 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:ABEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Drive Speed:16 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:Uncoated; Case volume:Round; Nominal Resistance:Steel; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Open; Load Pressure:16 mm; Rotary stiffness:Single Row Non-Fill Slot; Torque:1 mm; Sequence Valve:C0; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:13000 RPM; Pressurefree Operation:4380 lbf; Voltage:200-S;
Yuken A70-L-R-04-H-A-S-A-60366 Piston pumpMaximum Axial Force At Standstill:30 mm; Sequence Valve:2520 lbf; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:62 mm; Weight (approx.):ABEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Torque:16 mm; Load Pressure:Uncoated; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Round; Power:Steel; Case volume:Open; Rate Of Pressure Change:16 mm; Pressurefree Operation:Single Row Non-Fill Slot; Voltage:1 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:C0; Nominal Resistance:13000 RPM; Moment of inertia rotary group:4380 lbf; Maximum Torque:200-S;



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